Environmental Disasters Project
In this project we researched an environmental disaster and identified the key chemical pollutants involved. We also studied and reflected on how toxic spills impact individuals and communities.
Key Components
Board Game
One of the three aspects of this project was the board game we created. This board game was educational and was a fun way to display our information and teach our parents and peers about the environmental disaster we studied. We went through many drafts of this project trying our best to perfect it. My group first used a large piece of paper and sticky notes to show what our board game would look like in the end. For our final draft we used the laser printer to create a board and a laminator to create professional looking cards.
For chemistry, we presented our work and information in an infographic. This info graphic talked about our disaster, what the chemical is used for, and the dangers that it presents to people. The info graphic was made using Photo Shop and there were many drafts before we finally came up with the final draft.
Pecha Kucha
For Humanities, we used a Pecha Kucha to display the personal side of the disasters. A pecha kucha is a presentation style in which 10 slides are presented for 10 seconds each. This keeps the presentation concise and informational. After creating these presentations we created a voiceover to go with the PowerPoint.
See Some Examples