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Making Memes That Matter Project

The question that guided us through this project was How can we use our skills to create a product to promote solutions to companion animal overpopulation in the United States? During this project we visited both San Diego Humane Society and San Diego Department of Animal Services. We saw all of the animals and learned about all of their different stories. A big problem for shelters right now is companion animal overpopulation and the only solution to this is adoption. That is where the idea for the project came from. In groups of two we were given four different holidays to focus our memes on. We made memes with adorable animals and guilt free sayings to try to persuade people to adopt or foster an animal. The memes showed that animals in the Humane Society are happy and loving animals and that people should look there before buying a pet from a breeder. My partner and I worked really well together and made the most of the time we were given. We decided that we wanted to work on all four memes together and in the end that ended up being a really good choice. I am proud of how all of our memes turned out and how we worked together to create a quality product. If I could go back and redo this project I would spend more time finding images that went along with my messages. Some of my memes were kind of confusing because the photos did not match the things we had written. Our final grade on this project was 100/100 on all of our memes.

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