The House on Mango Street Essay
Before we started writing our first essay we were given a choice of two prompts to write about. I chose to write about three women in Esperanza's life who are a positive influence on her and help her realize she can not depend on a man. The three women I chose in The House on Mango Street are Marin, Alicia, and Esperanza's mother. We went through many drafts of this essay. My initial grade on the essay was an 80/100 and after a lot of critiques and revisions I received a 96/100. This is the first essay I have ever written in this format and I think I learned a lot from doing this project. I learned about correct MLA format, how to write a multi-paragraph essay, and about different transitions you can use in an essay. When writing essays I still need to work on writing in present tense and not usual casual language.