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Romeo and Juliet Project

In this project we read each scene carefully, analyzing it as we went along. For our final product we created timelines of each act, diary entries as a character in the play, and one final piece of our choosing.

Making Memes that Matter Project

The question that guided us through this project was How can we use our skills to create a product to promote solutions to companion animal overpopulation in the United States? During this project we visited both San Diego Humane Society and San Diego Department of Animal Services. We saw all of the animals and learned about all of their different stories.

The Me in We Project

The question that guided us through the project was How does your culture contribute to who you are as an individual and how does each individual shape the High Tech High International community? This question helped us to create our poems, collages, and our final San Diego Mural.

Greek Theater Play Project

In this project we learned how to write a play, how to take something from writing to a real stage with a real audience, and how to communicate with different adults in a professional way.

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