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December 16, 2016

American Diabetes Association Site Visit

My site visit went really well at the American Diabetes Association, I am very much looking forward to doing my internship at this company. While I was there I talked to my mentor Sheila about her journey to the ADA and the projects that I would be working on during my internship. I also got a tour of the office and met some of the other employees. Before deciding to do my internship at the ADA I didn't know very much about the organization or about diabetes. Just while I was at my site visit, I learned so much and I am so excited to continue learning about everything that they do.

Mentor Interview Questions:

  1. What is a typical workday like here?

  2. Its never the same. They work on a lot of different projects, so every day will be a little bit different depending on what you are working on that day.

  3. What are your main duties and responsibilities?

  4. Program implementation - community outreach and grants.

  5. How is the organization structured?

  6. There are many "field offices" located around the country. California, in particular, has six. These offices cover a wide range of communities. Within these offices there are two different departments, one that covers community outreach and one that covers logistics.

  7. Tell us about your path in getting where you are today- what is your educational history and work experience prior to working here?

  8. Sheila got her masters in Public Health. She then went on to do an internship at the American Diabetes Association. She realized that this is where she was meant to be, and started working full time as an employee.

  9. Why did you choose to work here?

  10. The internship made a huge impact and she wanted to continue the work she was doing.

  11. What advice do you have about working here?

  12. Be yourself, take initiative, and be organized

Project Discussion:

The ADA does a lot to reach out to the community and teach people about diabetes. They do this by hosting events, such as races, fairs, etc., and going out into communities to talk about the myths of diabetes. While I am doing my internship I will be assisting in planning events, reaching out to possible companies for collaboration, and creating posters for these events.

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