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January 30, 2017

Question: What are you most thankful for in your internship experience? What people, experiences, situations, etc. What new appreciations have you gained through your internship and how have you developed these?

I have loved working with all of my colleagues at my internship. I was very thankful that it was a small group of people that I was working with so that I could get to know each of them. I looked forward to lunch everyday because it was a time that I could get to know everyone I was working with and because at lunch everyone shared hilarious stories. I feel like I got closest with the two women who work under my mentor. They were the closest to my age and they were so funny together. Im excited to go back to school and see all of my friends but I am definitely going to miss all of the employees at the American Diabetes Association.

Throughout this experience I gained a greater appreciation for all of the work that non-profits do. There is so much planning and fundraising that goes into their events and programs that you would never even know of. This has made me much more appreciative of all of the organizations around me that are trying to make a difference in our community.

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