January 31, 2017
Question: In what ways has your internship inspired you to think about college? Have you discovered new colleges that you are interested...
January 30, 2017
Question: What are you most thankful for in your internship experience? What people, experiences, situations, etc. What new appreciations...
January 26, 2017
Question: What qualities or characteristics did you see in the people around you that you want to develop in yourself? Why? How did your...
January 25, 2016
Question: Post your iPOL presentation and reflect on the following: describe your iPOL preparation process. What presentation tools are...
January 24, 2017
Question: What did you learn about the importance of (the role of) communication and self advocacy during your internship (with your...
January 23, 2017
Question: You are more than half way done with your internship project. How is it going? How did your project(s) go from an idea or...

Week Three
With the sugar demonstration With all of our info packets we give out With the ADA event sign that we used for Tuesdays event Working on...
January 20, 2017
Question: Compare and contrast the work week with the school week. How are your responsibilities, interactions, work, and time different?...
January 19, 2017
Question: What lessons or experiences at your internship will you bring back to school to help you further improve in your academics?...