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January 3, 2017

Question: Describe your hopes, dreams, and fears for internship. Consider your job placement, what you know of the company, what you've talked about with your mentor, and how you see your overall experience fitting into your education and future.

I am very excited for my internship at the American Diabetes Association but also very nervous. I will be assisting in planning their outreach events which I am looking forward to. But, this is the first time that I am in an educational environment where I know nobody. This scares me a lot because I worry that I will not be able to complete what they ask of me and I will not have any classmates or friends to lean on.

My mentor and I talked a lot about the projects I will be doing while there. We decided it would be most beneficial for me to work with many different employees on different projects so that I can see all sides of this disease and this company.

I know that I want to do something in the medical field and so I think that this experience fits in perfectly. I think that learning more about diabetes will help me decide if I want to go into a field with diabetes research and prevention.

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