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January 9, 2017

Question: After having a conversation with an employee at your company, describe his or her education, overall career path, and current job description.

Madeleine White is the Associate Manager of Community Health Strategies at the American Diabetes Association. She started at San Diego State University and graduated with a degree in Food and Nutrition. She then moved to Italy for a year. At this time she was nannying for a family and going to language school every day. After returning to the States she was offered a job at the ADA. She came in knowing that she wanted to bring attention to kids with Type 2 diabetes and adults diagnosed with Type 1 (because it is more rare in those specific age groups). Since being here she has started the School Wellness Program and the Safe at School program, plans Camp Wana Kura, and works with families of children who have diabetes. She also is in contact with local universities about the link between nutrition and diabetes. Her main goal for the company is to create more engagement in the youth.

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