January 20, 2017
Question: Compare and contrast the work week with the school week. How are your responsibilities, interactions, work, and time different?...
January 19, 2017
Question: What lessons or experiences at your internship will you bring back to school to help you further improve in your academics?...
January 18, 2017
Question: What is the biggest challenge YOU face at your internship? Also, describe one challenge that arose at your internship site...
January 17, 2017
Wondering what your fellow interns are doing? For today’s post you are going to read and comment on THREE other students’ blogs. Post...

Week Two
Here I am using the postage machine to mail out packages to all of the non-local pediatric endocrinologists Here I am making phone calls...
January 13, 2017
Question: How has, or do, you see your internship changing the way you consider the paths your future will take? This internship has made...
January 12, 2017
Question: What are the social interactions like at your workplace? Do people spend a lot of time socializing? Are people isolated, doing...
January 11, 2017
Question: You've been at your internship for a week now and you should have a grasp of what your internship project will be. What will...
January 10, 2017
Question: Who benefits from the work that you do at your internship? Who in the community benefits from the work? Overall, what happens...

January 9, 2017
Question: After having a conversation with an employee at your company, describe his or her education, overall career path, and current...